Today's guest is Anna Lee, she runs her business through three key brands, Ms. Anna Lee, Workerby and Ruby3 with a mix of design and creative work, creative guidance sessions, and human design.
In the episode we talk about how Anna Lee manages all of this and how she got to where she is today with the creative processes and working with community and connection.
As a producer, designer, artist, medium, beekeeper, and creativity coach, Ms. Anna Lee has helped artists of all genres expand their creative endeavors for over twenty years.
Currently, she’s blended her talents to offer Creative Guidance Sessions for folks on the verge of a shift or expansion in their creative practice or career through Energy Portraits, intuitive coaching and Human Design.
Foundationally, she works in the fashion industry as a designer, trend forecaster, textile designer, and technical designer.
She also produces multidisciplinary collaborations with creatives who want to “play” in their fields via the Gray Matter Series, teaches workshops on creativity + nature, and facilitates evolutionary community building through events at her studio/gallery/apiary: The Arthouse.
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